Fri. 1-21-22 Cast

Fri. 1-21-22 Cast
News at 6
Fri. 1-21-22 Cast

Jan 21 2022 | 00:17:17

Episode 0 January 21, 2022 00:17:17

Show Notes

News at 6 on WNUR News – January 21, 2022 In-person perspectives, Euphoria, Door Dash WNUR News broadcasts live at 6 pm CST on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays on WNUR 89.3 FM
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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:17 Live from WMUR news. I'm Nick song. You're listening to the six o'clock news on WMUR news, 89.3, FM HD one Evanston Chicago it's Friday, January 21st, 2022. Tonight on WMUR news, the state of Northwestern classes amidst. COVID a state of euphoria, the show that is, and the state of well script. We're talking about food. Those stories are more coming up now. Thanks for tuning in to WMUR news. The first week of classes in-person occurred here at Northwestern. After beginning classes online to start the winter quarter, some students and faculty are happy to be back in the classroom. Others are cautious of the situation. Demanding online. Learning continues until COVID-19 cases, subside WMUR, newses. Catherine Odom has the story. Speaker 3 00:01:27 After two weeks of online instruction, students are back in Harris hall room 1 0 7 for professor Amy Stanley's global history class. The class of around 115 people met in person for the first time. This quarter on Wednesday, Speaker 4 00:01:39 I am delighted. I couldn't be happier to be back in the classroom. Speaker 3 00:01:43 That's Stanley. She said she missed teaching in person during Wildcat wellness. Speaker 4 00:01:48 I feel strongly that learning takes place in a social context and a lot more fun and people are much more engaged when they feel like they know their fellow staff, Speaker 3 00:01:57 Wildcat wellness officially ended on Tuesday among other COVID-19 precautions. During this period classes were held entirely remotely. The current positivity rate is 2.01% with 299. New positives recorded in the past week. Well, some students welcome to return to in-person classes. Some are less excited. McCormick's senior Alexis pointed, signed a petition asking the university to extend Wildcat wellness. Speaker 5 00:02:21 No, I feel like a school kind of rushing to get back to in person. And that didn't really plan things. Speaker 3 00:02:28 I said he does not feel comfortable in class and wishes. There were more hybrid alternatives available being in sophomore, Olivia peers, I go to twenties concerns. Pierce also signed a petition, which amassed almost 1500 signatures from students, faculty, and others in the Northwestern community. Speaker 4 00:02:45 Yeah, north restaurant provides and 95 or kn 95 mask to all undergraduates, graduate students, faculty and staff that petition is asking to pause in prison classes until the university no longer needs to find roommates. So those are the 8, 10 35 minutes. Um, and then hybrid options should be provided for all students enrolled and for you to take home test to be readily accessible. Speaker 3 00:03:07 Peer said the petition has been endorsed by activist groups, including community, not cops and students organizing for labor rights and major concern. For those who signed the petition is having hybrid options available for students who can't attend classes because they have COVID-19 communication. Sophomore, a mandata is one of those students that tested positive for COVID-19 and was placed in 1835 had men to quarantine at the end of Wildcat wellness. He said he has been able to watch some of his lectures remotely, but it is harder to make up discussion-based classes. He said his professors had been accommodating. Despite these challenges, Speaker 5 00:03:39 The professors are happy to meet and discuss the material. I certainly don't feel like I'm falling behind, Speaker 3 00:03:46 Although he did not get the chance to go to in-person classes this week. He said, he's looking forward to them. Speaker 5 00:03:51 It's a lot easier to be present and focused and engagement to material when you in person. Speaker 3 00:03:59 Gotcha. Added though that he understands the concerns of people signing the petition. Speaker 5 00:04:03 It's a hard thing to sort of prioritize because of going back in person means that probably a lot more people are going to get COVID. I'm happy to go back to in person, but I definitely understand why some people are not as happy. Speaker 3 00:04:18 The deal professor Joe Mathewson is glad to be teaching in person again. He said it was harder to connect with students via zoom, Matthew sin is, but he said he feels safe and does not worried about personal exposure in the classroom. Speaker 6 00:04:31 I think it's impossible to eradicate this, this darn disease, and we're going to have to learn how to live with it. And I think we're doing that. Speaker 3 00:04:40 Catherine Odom, WMUR news, Speaker 1 00:04:49 Internet been slow. Haven't seen your roommate for the last few days. Allow me to explain the latest season of the TV show. Euphoria continues to roll out on HBO platforms. The teen drama has become the talk of the town. Potty prod Han is here to cover the hype and the controversy surrounding the show. Speaker 0 00:05:14 Uh, Speaker 7 00:05:20 When the second season of euphoria and American teen drama on HBO, max began releasing weekly episodes on January 9th, 2022. It took the world by storm every week. The show trends on Twitter and other social media platforms as young people everywhere, tune in to see what happened to their most loved and hated characters. In fact, the first episode of season two, garnered 2.4 million viewers on justice first day of release. But what exactly is it about euphoria that draws in so much attention, the show centers through a high schooler, dealing with addiction, it's leading grappled with substance abuse, sexuality finding their identity and more euphoria gain notoriety for dealing with this dark subject matter, especially considering how young these characters are supposed to be. It's loved for its highly stylistic portrayal of high school life with it's over the top makeup and style choices going viral among teenagers. Speaker 7 00:06:17 It's cast members consisting of bonafide stars like Zendaya as well as first-time actors have skyrocketed to fame and become modern cultural icons with its 90% audience rating on rotten tomatoes and high viewership. The show has clearly struck a chord with much of the public, but that begs the question is this hyperbolic representation of the teenage experience bringing more harm than good are it's charming aesthetics and beloved actors leading to the normalization or even romanticization of these grim topics. While a lot of the grounded covers such as addiction are very real and prominent issues that young people face many believe that the extent to which you for as characters deal with these problems is highly exaggerated to a detrimental extent. Madison Smith, a junior and muddle who recently started watching euphoria after hearing about all its hype shared her. Speaker 8 00:07:10 I think that like their portrayal of it is super unrealistic. Um, a lot of the problems are just are like very exaggerated. My, my main thing that every time I talked to someone about why I don't like you for yet is specifically ruse plot line ruse plot line is realistic. It is something that happens. Kids are addicted to drugs and almost die because they are on drugs. Like that is something that happens. And when you put that plot line next to all of these other plot lines that are so exaggerated, it just makes it seem unrealistic by association Speaker 7 00:07:55 In response to these criticisms, which the show has been facing since the release of its first season showrunner, Sam Levinson said in a 2019 interview with entertainment weekly quote, I was just trying to capture the kind of heightened sense of emotion when you're young and how relationships feel unquote. And I just wrote myself as a teenager and what I was going through when I was younger and I was dealing with addiction and quote, you Faria has also faced back Oxford's depictions of nudity and the objectification of teenage characters. The cast consists of actors in their mid to late twenties and Alexa dummy playing 17 year old, Maddie Perez, who was a whopping 14 years older than her character at age 31. As he, as adults play out the raunchy scenarios, their characters find themselves in. There's a question of the ethics behind depicting miners in this way. Additionally, much of this lewd contact presents itself in scenarios that are very violent towards the female characters. As we see young girls on a screen go through harrowing experiences to a potentially glamorizing lens Smith shared her opinions on this. Speaker 8 00:08:59 Yeah. A few things about that one. Why is the violence against women in the show? So agregious, it's so agregious and so unnecessary. And again, like, it's fine because the actors are older. This is portraying high schoolers. Like it is so horrible to watch high schoolers go through this, but to have it painted again in this glamorous way, like it's so violent, it's so violent. But I feel like they're really trying to make it like obvious how violent it is to be like, this is not okay, but just because of like the way that the show is shot and the way the show looks, it just still makes it one cool Speaker 7 00:09:35 While it has some incredible performances, high production value and makes for great quality television. Euphoria is rise to becoming a core facet of pop culture today. Whereas as many questions about the effects its content could have on its audience, if you would like to make a judgment on this topic for yourself, euphoria can be streamed on HBO max with new episodes coming out every Sunday at 8:00 PM. CST. This is signing off. Speaker 1 00:10:10 Looking for good food, but don't want to wait into the frozen hellhole. Chicago called winter here's w on your news as reporter Izzy parade with some of Northwestern students go to door dash orders. Speaker 10 00:10:25 As we enter the coldest part of the year, amidst a surge of COVID cases going outside is getting less and less appealing for Northwestern students without downstairs access to a dining hall, ordering food in is attempting alternative to trudging through the winter chill. Speaker 11 00:10:41 Yeah, the past two weeks like me and my roommate didn't fill out a door dash and it was pretty easy, I would say, except it took a while. Cause like there's nothing really like that close to our dorm. Like I think I got something from like Chicago the other day. I kind of felt bad. Cause like the driver had to drive like 40 minutes for like my chicken wings Speaker 10 00:11:07 That was Weinberg freshmen, Alex converse, who touches on a common dilemma students face when trying to look for convenient and affordable places to eat and Evanston those from bigger cities and more crowded areas, especially seem to be struggling with the options the town has to offer McCormack freshmen. Nicole Torres explains the difference for her. Speaker 9 00:11:27 So I'm from New York city and I feel like the food options here are a little bit different because there's not that much diversity in what you can order like back home. There's a lot more Hispanic food here. I've never seen anyone get attacked. I don't know, New York, you can get food at any hour. And here you had to view like ordering APM, which I think it's a little odd. I was like, door dash is better here, but actually it's faster here in New York don't really care. It takes like an hour to two each time. Speaker 10 00:12:04 It doesn't help that in the past few years, Evanston has experienced a number of closures, including that into the beloved 24 hour burger king, a little more than one year ago, not to mention the pandemic, which brought about its own closures and halted the opening of new restaurants and stores. Despite that with the help of online food delivery services, students seem to have been able to explore all the cuisine Evanston has to offer from the comfort of their very own dorm for McCormick freshmen. Shresh retired. That means finding a little taste of home here at Northwestern. Speaker 12 00:12:35 So there is a Indian restaurant, I believe it used to be called red hot chili peppers. They changed their name. I don't know their current name. Um, but they have like something called Indo-Chinese food, which is like very rare to find outside of India. Uh, so that's probably my favorite restaurant cause it's kind of like reminds me of home. Speaker 10 00:12:58 So what places are Northwestern students ordering from? Here's some more fan favorite restaurants? Speaker 11 00:13:04 Um, probably McDonald's um, because typically whenever I order food, it's always super late at night and I feel like, you know, step isn't really open that late aside from like fast food, places like that. And McDonald's is sort of just a classic, you know, can never go wrong with some chicken nuggets, you know, little, large fry in there. Speaker 13 00:13:29 Alright. So my favorite place to order from is Krone on a pokey because I feel like it comes really fast. It comes usually within like 30 minutes max and the food is always good. It's always decent and it's always a hefty serving my main one. I also like to order from Sam Asian bistro and I like to get ramen from there because it comes within a reasonable time. And it's always a nice hefty meal Speaker 10 00:13:57 For w and you are news. This is Izzy Perez, Speaker 14 00:14:03 The chores driving Humvees and Afghanistan, 12 years flying Speaker 15 00:14:08 Choppers. When my sister came back from her last two in Afghanistan, she didn't want to talk about it, but she knew I was there to listen. Speaker 16 00:14:15 Sometimes my husband still has difficult memories. They can be overwhelming with the veteran's crisis line. I know where to turn. When we need support, Speaker 15 00:14:23 I made the call and got support for my sister. Speaker 17 00:14:25 Veteran's crisis line is here for all veterans and their loved ones. Call 1 802 7 3 8 2 5 5 and press Speaker 18 00:14:35 Keeping your kids safe on the way to school is a bus driver's responsibility. When that driver is behind the wheel, they should be focused. And when your driving, you should be focused to texting while driving on Illinois road, ZZ illegal and deadly drive. Now text later, you can't do both. This message brought to you by the Illinois tollway state police department of transportation, secretary of state and AAA Speaker 19 00:15:04 Here at the GED pep-talk center. We've got a pep talk that can motivate you. Speaker 20 00:15:09 Sometimes things don't always turn out the way you want them to prove Speaker 21 00:15:13 Your future and get your game face on and take the first step towards a better life. Hurry up. Don't make me repeat myself, Speaker 19 00:15:19 Whatever level of motivation you need. We've got a pep talk for you. Call 1 8 7 7 3 8, your GED, or visit your for your pep talk and for free classes in your area. GED is a registered trademark of the American council on education brought to you by dollar general literacy foundation and the ad council. Speaker 1 00:15:36 Welcome back to WMUR news. At six it's currently 6:20 PM in the headlines today, the NASDAQ is down 11% marking the worst start to a year since 2016 wall street had its worst week since March of last year with stocks falling for the fourth day in a row. Meatloaf, the beloved rockstar and actor died today. He was 74 years old loaf born. Marvin Lee a day also appeared in cold classics, the Rocky horror picture show and fight club. Taking a look at weather this weekend will bring several chances for light snow through to Monday tonight, expect temperatures hovering around 10 to 15 degrees with a slight chance for snow. Expect to see one to three inches of snow Saturday night with a chance of flurries through till Monday, that's all for wr news at 6:00 PM. For more news updates and reports. Follow us on Twitter at WMUR news, you can listen to these and other stories for the day on our Spotify, Google podcasts and SoundCloud. You can also find us on our website, That's w w N U Our reporters are Katherine Odom, PAARI PRADAN and Izzy Perey Hawk. Our producer today is Sara special. Thanks as well to Shirley and Gianna from all of us here at WMUR news. I'm Nick song catch our new next news rake on Monday, January 24th at 6:00 PM. Thanks for listening now, back to scheduled programming

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