Mon. 1-24-22 Cast

Mon. 1-24-22 Cast
News at 6
Mon. 1-24-22 Cast

Jan 24 2022 | 00:25:39

Episode 0 January 24, 2022 00:25:39

Show Notes

News at 6 on WNUR News – January 24, 2022 UW fan removed, Rebelde, pandemic board games WNUR News broadcasts live at 6 pm CST on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays on WNUR 89.3 FM
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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:15 Live from WMUR news. I'm Alison rap. You're listening to the six o'clock news on w N U R 89.3, FM HD one Evanston Chicago it's Monday, January 24th, 2022 tonight on w and you are news and update on a Wisconsin fan during last week's basketball game. Uh, look at Netflix is reboot of rebel day and of all things the pandemic's influence on the board game industry, those stories, and more coming up now on WMUR news at six Speaker 1 00:00:56 Thanks for tuning in on this snowy Monday evening, university of Wisconsin, Madison fan made racist gestures at Northwestern students during a men's basketball game at Welsh Ryan arena. Last Tuesday, he has now been banned from athletic events at both universities. Here's reporter Madison Bradley with the story, Speaker 3 00:01:24 Uh, university of Wisconsin, Madison fan, who made racist anti-Asian gestures toward Northwestern students was removed from Tuesday's big 10 conference men's basketball game at Walt Ryan arena, Debra Lee and alumni of Northwestern films. The fan from two rows behind him and posted the recording artist in the video. The man repeatedly made the slant eye gesture and showed the middle Western students events, the staff and members of the Northwestern post department from the event. As of Monday morning, the video has been both universities have banned the man from attending their athletic events. University of Wisconsin, Madison confirmed that he was not a current university student nor employee Debra Lee said to NBC five news that the fan continued flipping off students and making slant digesters throughout the first half of the game. Debra Lee said, quote, he did not seem to have any remorse at all. End quote and quote. I personally saw it at least a dozen times and quote, the man also made the slant digester while being escorted out Kiersten Lee and Northwestern student in the student section on Tuesday, also posted a tic talk about the racist incident in the video. She writes quote was excited to go to my first basketball game and run Speaker 4 00:02:45 It's to me as a group of man, you got picked up, Speaker 3 00:02:53 Kiersten only commented under the video saying fans for both teams were booing when the opposing team scored and this Wisconsin fan started pulling his eyelids, giving the middle finger and screaming at the Northwestern students section every time Wisconsin scored quote, there is absolutely no reason to be racist, especially over a college basketball game. And quote Lee wrote. We also set a group of Asian students behind her suggested recording the man while other students reported the racist behavior to end UPD Rebecca blank. Current chancellor of university of Wisconsin, Madison and incoming president of Northwestern released a statement on Thursday with UWA Madison's director of athletics quote. We are reaching out today to condemn the offensive anti-Asian gestures made by a man in batter's apparel at Tuesday's men's basketball game at Northwestern university. And to share the actions being taken our events should be a place for everyone to enjoy the excitement of college sports, the university of Wisconsin, Northwestern university, and the big 10 conference promote good sportsmanship, appropriate fan behavior, and a welcoming atmosphere for all fans at all. Speaker 3 00:04:01 Athletic events, racist behavior at our venues is unacceptable, and we will take action promptly to address it and quote Dr. Derek, Greg Kuma, family vice-president for athletics and recreation at Northwestern also released a statement. Quote, Tuesday night was supposed to be a celebration. We were thrilled to welcome students back to Wells shrine arena, to cheer on the men's basketball team and a big 10 conference game for the first time in 682 days, it also was the programs together. We win game part of our year long campaign to raise awareness of the athletics. Department's ongoing commitment to creating a diverse and inclusive community that fosters belonging and honors authenticity. The celebration was marked by one individual's aport and racist actions toward members of our student section fighting yet another painful reminder that there is still much work to be done in our collective efforts to confront racism and bigotry toward members of our Asian Pacific Islander and Daisey American community, as well as other marginalized groups in our society. Speaker 3 00:05:01 On behalf of the department of athletics and recreation, I am disheartened our fans and members of our community had to experience this type of hatred. In one of our venues, the actions were unacceptable and a violation of university values and our fan code of conduct as a community, we must remain steadfast in our commitment by fostering an environment where every wild cat feels safe, welcomed, and affirmed the response to the ability to intentionally engage in areas of difference and act swiftly. When injustice occurs is a responsibility that we all share end quote. So the Northwestern fan code of conduct quote, explicitly prohibits any and all forms of discrimination and harassment of students, coaches, staff, officials, or guests based on characteristics, including, but not limited to sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, race, color, national origin, religion, age, disability, status, veteran status, or any other characteristic and quote and says not following guidelines could be grounds for someone's removal from an athletic event and a possible ban from attending future events. Also the university statements applauded the people who recorded the incident and reported it to Northwestern police for WMUR news. I'm Madison Bradley Speaker 1 00:06:15 W and you are news will return after these messages stay tuned, Speaker 5 00:06:22 Keeping your kids safe on the way to school is a bus driver's responsibility. When that driver is behind the wheel, they should be focused. And when your driving, you should be focused to texting while driving on Illinois road, Zazi illegal and deadly drive. Now text later, you can't do both. This message brought to you by the Illinois tollway state police department of transportation, secretary of state, and AAA. Speaker 6 00:06:52 This is a guided meditation on parenting. Take a deep breath in and let go of the time you and your son played basketball and you attempted to slam dunk, or when you hit that pinata into your neighbor's yard, let him, Speaker 7 00:07:06 Oh, you don't have to be perfect to be a perfect parent. There are thousands of teens in foster care who don't need perfection. They need you for more information on how you can adopt visit, adopt us, a public service announcement from the U S department of health and human services adopt us kids and the ad council today. My new dad and I shot off a rocket in the park today, my new son, and I failed to shoot off a rocket, the Speaker 6 00:07:28 Rocket launched into the air Speaker 7 00:07:31 And then crashed into the pond. I'll never forget that day. I'll never forget that day. Even if I tried, you don't have to be perfect to be a perfect parent. Thousands of kids in foster care. We'll take you just as you are for more information on how you can adopt visit, adopt us, a public service announcement from the U S department of health and human services adopt us kids and the ad council. Speaker 1 00:07:56 Welcome back onto arts and entertainment. 16 years after its original series ended. Mexican telanovela rebel day is back with a new twist reporter. Maria Kamanu takes a look at the reboot and how it compares to the original Speaker 8 00:08:24 On January 5th, 2022 fans finally got their long awaited reboot of the internationally successful Mexican telenovela, 16 years after the originals and the Mexican reboot teen drama series is based on the of the same name aired from 2004 to 2006, the original director, which was based off of the Argentinian telenovela river, the way was an international success with the cast forming a pop group that topped the charts in the early two thousands, the group who were known as released nine studio albums received Latin Grammy nominations sold out various concert venues and sold over 15 million records worldwide. The group disbanded in 2009, but according to the Washington post, their fans have stayed active throughout the years with a virtual concert at reunion and their music being added to streaming services like Spotify, the new reboot, similarly to the original centers on students at the elite way school, part of the music excellence program who form a band to compete in the school's famous battle of the bands. It has also maintained certain elements from the original, such as the secret society. Lolo has returned to ELLs as well as the original cast and characters coming back to be a part of the reboot Weinberg first-year Denise Sanchez believes that the reboots been highly awaited because of the original success. Speaker 9 00:09:40 It was like such an iconic show and like there's they has like, so, so many fans from like all over, like a lot in America. And since they got so much attention and like so much popularity, like within like these past few like years, and I feel like a lot of like, people have tried to like remake the show in like different ways. And I feel like Netflix, um, kind of like wanted to like bring it back and like introduce it to like new audiences. Um, I haven't watched it completely, but so far. I mean, I guess it's like really interesting. Um, I do think that there are like moments that I just like, oh, like, I mean, it's like, whatever, like it's not going to be like the original, but I read, I like how, um, it's a little bit like more diverse where they're trying to make it a little bit like more diverse and inclusive. Um, but I do, um, I don't think it obviously like lifts up to the original Speaker 8 00:10:47 Series has received praise for its attempts at being more inclusive than the original. There was incorporation of more LGBTQ plus storylines and a more racially diverse cast. Now to be completely honest, I have never watched the original directly, but was very curious as to what the reboot would be like. So I convinced my roommates to binge watch it with me and see what the hype was about. Despite not being able to catch nods to the original. The plot was easy to understand for someone who had never seen the first version, the series took the classic twists and turns of a telenovela. But at the end of the day, what stood out to me most was the music. The reboot, like the original version came out with its own original soundtrack, including their more modern take on era with the classics Speaker 8 00:11:37 American pop songs. I get thrown anthems Speaker 8 00:12:00 And their own new tracks that dip their toes into John was like trap the original song. Ben was released ahead of the reboot to build up excitement and succeeded Speaker 8 00:12:19 Yeah, one of my roommates, not that yet Camino also found that the music was what brought together, both the old and new fans of Speaker 11 00:12:26 Something else I really liked was just like they're modern takes on popular songs. Um, as well as like some like covers of the original songs as well. I think it's like a way to like bring together a gen Z and the millennials just bringing us all together under this like cultural phenomena that is driven today. And I think that's really cool. I think on the, um, which is like an original song I made for the show is really good. Like I listened to it on my free time, not just like from the show. Um, I think some of their covers are also really good. So yeah, I, I liked the music in general Speaker 8 00:13:04 On January 9th, 2022, the series was renewed for a second season and you best believe I'll be watching for deli and your news. This has been Mariaca Manu, Speaker 1 00:13:29 Looking over to oddities board games and other tabletop games have been a staple for years, but has the pandemic been a boon or a curse to the industry? Here's reporters act McCrary with the story? Speaker 13 00:13:48 I played lots of games when I was growing up, but board games were a special treat. There's nothing quite like feeling the glossiness of the cards in your hand, the rattle of the dice, the smell of the cardboard of a game that hasn't been opened in years is definitely a multisensory experience and nothing really beats sharing that experience with a few of your closest friends. Now I'm not going to dwell on it for too long, but the pandemic has changed in nearly every facet of our day-to-day lives for more than a year things we could previously take part in with our friends and family face to face. We're forced to move to a remote setting or simply disappear altogether. So how do you get that multisensory social experience and make it so that it's pandemic safe? Speaker 14 00:14:30 Everything that I had going on in person kind of stopped for obvious reasons. Um, but tabletop games are very easy to play on. Speaker 13 00:14:39 That's already de Angelo fourth year at Northwestern and co president of tabletop club. Speaker 14 00:14:44 I started a lot of campaigns. Uh, I've run a couple campaigns. Um, my running like campaigns and my best TTRP sessions have come out of the pandemic Speaker 13 00:14:57 Tabletop games, such as tabletop role-playing games. TTRP GS, if you will. And other such board games have had a bit of a Renaissance in recent years, DW reports an uptick in interest among adults recently after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, yet social gatherings have been restricted as of late. So how does this affect how much people play? Speaker 14 00:15:17 We played more, um, but really it feels more like a relative more where everything else kind of slowed down and TTA RPGs. For me, at least we're able to stay at the same rate. Um, in terms of other kinds of tabletop games, things did kind of slow down it's for me, at least a lot harder to play a board game online. You have to find very specific resources for that, or you have to pay money for the best resources for that. Whereas tabletop role-playing games were very easy to just keep going at their usual pace and to increase, uh, as everything else kind of decreased Speaker 13 00:15:53 Playing a board game or playing a table, tough TTR RBG, um, is a very like multisensory experience is a very social experience. So how do you try to emulate that if at all in an online setting? Speaker 14 00:16:11 Yeah. Um, getting the, the social nature of a tabletop role playing game or a board game is definitely the hardest thing to translate. You can all still be talking. Um, but I'm sure you've experienced in a lot of zoom meetings. It is so much harder to have side conversations or to read social cues on when people are going to talk, it's a lot harder to kind of have that organic conversational flow, but you can still have conversational flow tangents are still very doable. Um, you can still kind of communicate, you lose the ability to kind of have some side conversations. Um, let's say one of the things that you really like, uh, about a game is the dice rolling and everybody kind of collectively watching to see what happens. So you can all kind of celebrate or, uh, grown at the, at the result that can be replicated. Speaker 14 00:17:05 Um, there are dice rolling bots and, and various tools to make sure that that still happens for everyone at the same time. Uh, so that you're not just like rolling your dice and telling people what you, uh, what you got and kind of delaying how that goes. Um, for me, and for playgroups that I often run in, um, we ended up not emulating much of the social experience. Again, would use those dice spots to make sure that everybody was kind of participating at the same time. Um, but I know that for other groups, um, turning on video was very important for like seeing and interacting with other people and playing off of other people's expressions. For the most part I played without video, um, just letting everybody's voices speak for me that ended up being useful. Um, I often run tabletop role playing games, um, as a, as a GM or a DM, which means that I have to play a lot of different characters, which are distinguished in person. Speaker 14 00:18:09 You can distinguish them with voices and some movement patterns, right? You can kind of mimic maybe the way that they would be sitting at a table. If you yourself are sitting at a table. Um, for me, it almost felt easier with the video off to change my voice and change the character I was, uh, playing for, uh, for the players at the table, um, of just not having to change any mannerisms or put on any kind of character, just to change my voice, um, kind of treating it like voice acting, I guess. Um, and that way was very enabled for me. Um, but you do lose a lot by not sitting at a table together and having side conversations. Somebody brings the snacks. It's, it's a very different experience, but still, uh, still a very good one. I would say Speaker 13 00:19:07 Over the past few months, tabletop has grown considerably when Northwestern reopened in person classes last fall, tabletop assumed a hybrid approach offer both in-person and online. Speaker 14 00:19:18 We have been getting a lot of traction this past fall, our first quarterback in person. And I think this kind of speaks to the fact that people really want to be back in person and playing these games in person, because there is that missing factor. But this past fall was the most campaigns we have ever hosted at once. Uh, and the most people signing up to play in campaigns we have ever had as a club. Um, as far as I know our event, attendance was extremely high for our weekly events. Our one shots where you can learn to play a game or are bringing your own board game night, where everybody can just kind of bring a board game and play what other people bring. Um, everything was just being attended by so many people. Um, this quarter, most winter quarters, there's a little bit of a slowdown this winter quarter. There's been a kind of significant slowdowns. We've gone back to the virtual, but things should be increasing again. Maybe as we go back to in-person, we're not really clear on that yet. We're going to start moving back to in-person events, uh, this week. Um, and we'll see how that goes. Speaker 13 00:20:20 There's one thing that's constant. It's the human desire for competition, comradery and entertainment. And that's something that tabletop games Excel at for WMUR news. I'm Zach McCrary. Speaker 0 00:20:36 Um, Speaker 1 00:20:41 WMUR news will return after these messages stay tuned. Speaker 6 00:20:49 Alison is perfect. I mean, she'd never tell you that she's humble and perfect. She likes everyone. She even likes her on tidy roommates, weird Guinea pig. Alison wait, are you texting and driving? Alison? No, that's the exact opposite of what I was just saying about you. Why Alison, why texting and driving makes good people look bad. Visit stop tech, stop. brought to you by the national highway traffic safety administration and the ed council. Speaker 15 00:21:19 Oh, why don't you tell the class what you did this weekend? Well, my dad and I went and searched some magical minnows and found a zillion of them in the stream for my lookout rock. Then my sister and I escaped burger king. I went back to my super twin Fort for safety. Then we told stories till it got dark and the big dipper, let us all the way home. We're where are you? Jill? We went to the forest. It's not that far away. Speaker 16 00:21:40 Ask your parents to take you and your friends to the forest this week. It's closer than you think. Check out, discover the brought to you by the us forest service. Speaker 17 00:21:49 What? Uh, agile boy, XO, XO, XO, you getting these texts question, mark. Where are you? What are you doing? Oh, M G you are making me mad. You better text me back. I'm waiting outside your house. Relentless Speaker 18 00:22:06 Massive texting is like sending an angry robot to deliver your message. When does the robot become dangerous? Let us know at that's not Speaker 17 00:22:14 That's not cool. Dot Speaker 18 00:22:16 Com brought to you by the ad council. Speaker 1 00:22:20 Welcome back to w and you are news at six it's, 6:24 PM in the headlines today. Northwestern's COVID-19 positivity rate is at its lowest ever for January, despite hitting record highs earlier in the month out of 11,500 tests taken this week, 229 came back positive as compared to last weeks, 686 undergraduate and non undergraduates accounted for 175 of the positives with staff and faculty making up the rest. Despite demands from students, Northwestern will not be reinstating credit, no credit grading options for the winter 2022 quarter. The policy was first implemented spring 2020 to reduce academic stress, amidst pandemic challenges, university spokesperson. John Yates said withholding. The policy is due to Northwestern's increased COVID-19 response. Preparedness in Evanston, six people announced at Saturday's ninth ward meeting their desire to replace alderman Cicely, Fleming Fleming plans to resign next month. And mayor Daniel Biss will appoint her replacement. Chicago public schools quietly changed COVID-19 case reporting methods last month. Speaker 1 00:23:36 Raising questions about transparency. The district now only lists COVID-19 cases verified by their contact tracing team. This has in school level cases going unreported within district-wide totals. After a parent posted an online analysis of these discrepancies Thursday, CPS officials say they will evaluate their methods again, taking a look at the weather right now, you can expect clouds and slight flurries with a high near 26 degrees tonight. Look for mostly clear skies with a low around seven degrees and windshield values as low as negative six degrees. Tuesday and Wednesday will be sunny with highs around 12 degrees and winds around 20 miles per hour. Temperatures will rise to the twenties and thirties at the end of the week and going into Thursday evening and Friday, there will be a slight chance of snow. Speaker 1 00:24:29 That's all for WMUR news at 6:00 PM. For more news updates and reports. Follow us on Twitter at w N U R news and Instagram at w N U R news 8 9 3. You can listen to these and other stories of the day on our Spotify, Google podcasts, and SoundCloud. You can also find us on our new website, w N U Our producers today are Seger gray and Sarah Kadara. Our reporters are Madison Bradley, Maria, come on you and Zach McCrary. I'm Alison route from all of us here at WMUR news. Thanks for listening. Catch our next show. This Wednesday, January 26th at 6:00 PM. Now back to scheduled programming

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